< All Topics

Available hooks

Alert notification modification

To modify the HTML message of the plugin alert use this:

add_filter( 'wpgda_alert_notification_message', function( $html ){
return "Your message here";

Action before the package update via wp-json

add_action( 'wpgda_before_api_package_update', function( $package_slug, $package_type ) {
// Do something before the theme/plugin update

Action after the package update via wp-json

add_action( 'wpgda_after_api_package_update', function( $success, $package_slug, $package_type ) {
// Do something after the theme/plugin update

Action after the package is installed via wp-admin

add_action( 'wpgda_after_package_install', function( $success ) {
// Do something after the theme/plugin is installed

Action after the secret key regenerate

add_action( 'wpgda_after_secret_key_regenerate', function() {
// Do something after a secret key is regenerated

Action after the “flush cache” setting was updated

add_action( 'wpgda_after_flush_cache_setting_update', function() {
// Do something after cache flush